讲座题目:Transportation Network and Market Integration: Evidence from China(交通网络与市场整合:来自中国的证据)
主讲人:李晟昱 新南威尔士大学
This paper examines the impact of China's expressway expansion between 1998 and 2007 on market integration and firm performance within the manufacturing sector. The rapid expansion of the transportation network significantly enhanced market connectivity, improving firms' access to both input and output markets and intensifying competition. We explore how individual firms are influenced by these changes in terms of productivity, intermediate input prices, and market power by developing a new approach to estimate these measures at the firm level. Our findings reveal that the expansion of the transportation network significantly improved firm centrality, leading to enhanced market access and increased competition. Improved upstream market access reduced input prices and raised markups, while better downstream access boosted productivity. Although increased competition exerted countervailing pressures, the effects of market access dominated. In addition, lower-performing firms, particularly those with lower productivity, higher input prices, and lower markups, benefited more from the network improvement, and consequently leads to regional convergence.
李晟昱,2014年在宾夕法尼亚州立大学获得经济学博士学位。在2018年加入新南威尔士大学之前,曾担任英国杜伦大学经济学讲师。研究兴趣集中于产业组织和国际贸易的交叉领域,特别关注企业生产力和输入价格的异质性以及其对贸易参与、资源配置和行业动态的影响。研究议程涉及使用微观数据估计企业决策的静态或动态结构模型。文章发表于RAND Journal of Economics,Economic Journal,Journal of International Economics,International Economic Review,European Economic Review,International Journal of Industrial Organization。